
10 Quick Tips to Help You Write a Kick Ass Twitter Bio

Twitter Bio-Writing Tips

1) Provide the Nitty Gritty. People need to know who you are, what you do and why they should be interested in you. Use words and short phrases, such as "John Smith, Entrepreneur, Small Business Blogger, Antique Toy Collector".
2) Consider the Audience. While focusing on the essentials, allow your personality to show through to attract followers.
3) Maintain Your Focus. Everything in your Twitter bio, from your words, background and photo should be focused on your purpose for being there. If your Twitter account is for business, keep everything zeroed in on business.
4) Make Yourself Easy to Find. Always lead would-be followers or potential customers to your website, blog or other social media page by including a link in your Twitter bio.
5) Keep Your Priorities Straight. There are many facets to your life; as tempting as it can be to share them all, keep your priorities straight. A business-focused Twitter bio is not really the place to share your hobbies.
6) Include Keywords. Use keywords that tie to your business, such as home decor, marketing, freelance writer. Consider the words people would use to search for you and use them.

The Big No-No's of Twitter Bios

7) Don't Waste Space. Save favorite quotes, favorite bands, your kids' names and anything else outside your true focus for your actual tweets.
8) Beware of Copy and Paste Errors. If you plan to use a great bio you have posted on another social media venue, ensure you don't cut any of it off while copying and pasting.
9) Use What You've Got. You've got 160 characters. Use them all or as many as possible to get the most out of your space.
10) Maintain an Effective Bio. To maintain a killer Twitter bio that grabs people's attention, you have to keep it fresh. Change information when needed. People are looking to connect with others who share the same interests or offer something (information, products or services) they want. When the details of your business or work life change, ensure that your Twitter bio reflects that.

The 5 Most Common Twitter Mistakes you should avoid

Twitter has helped transform numerous businesses, and there are more businesses using Twitter in order to get the transformation. However, many people and businesses are making these 5 common mistakes on Twitter. If you want to know if your account is good or needs to have some changes, read this entire blog post. These are the 5 most common mistakes people make on Twitter:
  1. Having a bad bio. Many people know that not having a bio is a big mistake on Twitter, and that’s why few Twitter accounts don’t have bios. However, not everyone writes a good bio.These are some ways to write a higher quality bio with those 160 characters.
  2. Not tweeting about your blog enough. The rule everyone has been led to believe is that 20% of your tweets should be about your blog while the other 80% should be about other things. Many people with thousands of followers (and some of these people have over 100,000 followers) make this mistake. I made this mistake until I reached 20,000 followers. I decided to tweet about my blog for most of the day. The result was a dramatic increase in traffic. I did not lose followers when I tweeted about my blog. In fact, I gained more followers when I tweeted about my blog. Twitter is all about building awareness for a blog or product while meeting other people. The more you tweet about your blog, the more awareness you are building.
  3. Not interacting with your followers. HootSuite and other tweet scheduling tools are incredible. You don’t have to be on Twitter every hour in order to tweet every hour. There are people who use these tweet scheduling tools and forget to login to their Twitter account. Followers with questions don’t get answered. That’s a bad move, and all you have to do to avoid that is to check Twitter three times a day and reply to your followers when they want to talk with you or have a question.
  4. Not following back. Too many people make this mistake. Every newbie at one point thinks that they are going to be the next verified person with 100,000 followers while only following 10 people. That’s what I thought, but when that didn’t happen, I decided to follow people.Following others is an essential way to get more people to follow you back and hear about you.
  5. Not tweeting enough. Many people make the mistake of only tweeting a few times throughout the day. I define too few as tweeting 5 times in the day. In order to get more attention, you need to be tweeting more often. When you tweet more often, you should also tweet consistently. I consistently tweet once every hour (I’ll eventually bring up the rate to one tweet every half an hour). The more I tweet, the more followers and blog traffic I get.
By avoiding these 5 common mistakes, you will be able to get more out of Twitter. By consistently avoiding these mistakes and tweeting along the way, you will be able to transform your business with Twitter.


Top 10 Twitter tips for growing your business

1. Hashtags: You should familarize yourself with this symbol (i.e., #) and make it your friend. Put this hashtag in front of a keyword or your company website and Twitter will convert these hashtagged words into searchable keywords. What does this mean for you? Anyone searching for something can find all tweets containing your hashtagged word in a single location, thus making it easier for them to find your tweets even if they’re not one of your followers. Search the database for hashtagged questions pertaining to your business or topics of your expertise and connect with these followers. You’ll find you not only do you have more readers, but possibly more customers as well.
2. Engage with your followers: Simply sending out tweets and not responding to your followers will get you nowhere. It’s important to respond to those that tweet at you and answer any questions they might have. Each time you interact with your followers, make sure it’s a personalized message. No one wants to feel like they’re receiving a mass tweet. If they feel your message is sincere and they like what you have to offer, the chances of them retweeting your information is even greater, thus ultimately exposing your business to more followers.

3. Combine your platforms: Make it easier on yourself by synchronizing your Twitter account with all of your other social platforms. You can do so by associating your Twitter account with the RSS feed of your company website, Facebook page or blog. By doing so, every time you make an update it appears across all of your platforms, meaning you only have to make one update at a time. Sounds efficient, right?
4. Update your profile: Although most of your followers are only reading your tweets and not your bio, it’s important to have a profile in place that’s up-to-date and professional. Think of it as an extension of your brand. Potential new followers and customers will be checking out your profile to see what you’re about before hitting the golden “Follow” button.
5. The power of a list: This Twitter feature has helped companies gain followers and spread their knowledge to a larger audience. A Twitter list is somewhat similar to a Facebook group. Basically a compilation of followers, grouped together for whatever reason you come up with. You can use these lists to your advantage by promoting and rewarding customers. How? Try creating a list comprised of all your valued customers and reward those on the list with a 20% off coupon or free gift with purchase. Lists can also help your business internally. By creating a list of all employees and those that tweet on your behalf, it’s an easy way to manage these tweeters and aggregate accounts. Once you’ve created your list make sure people know about it by adding it to a list directory such as Listorious.
6. Keep track: It’s important to track your followers and identify whose really paying attention to your tweets. You can do so by tracking retweets, clicks, messages and hashtag mentions. This will give you the opportunity to engage with your loyal followers and maintain these relationships.
7. Ask questions: Get feedback from your followers by asking the right questions. Find out what you’re doing right, what you need to work on and what they want more of. This shows not only that you’re listening, but can provide you with valuable insights about your followers and consumers.
8. Tweet about others: You don’t always need to talk about yourself and your company. It’s important to integrate other’s ideas and links into your tweets. Retweet what your followers have tweeted, share their links and let your followers know what you find interesting about a particular tweet. This lets your followers know that you’re human and are interested in what they have to say as well. Not to mention it’s a great way to build and expand your community.

9. Promoted tweets: This is a new feature of Twitter that enables businesses to speak to a larger audience, even those that don’t follow them. How does it work? First, send a tweet to your followers and then promote that tweet. The promoted tweet then appears as content in search results, so those looking for something pertaining to your tag will see it in the search engine. Twitter offers these promoted tweets on a cost-per-engagement basis, meaning you only pay when users retweet, reply or clicks on your tweet.

10. Customer Service: Best Buy is a great example of how to use Twitter to provide real-time customer service. Create an account in which users can tweet questions about products or services to you directly and tag the answers with a hashtag back to your company website. This allows you to interact with your consumers and provide them with something of value. Best Buy is leading the ranks with over 2,900 employees on board to answer questions and have responded to over 38,000 inquiring tweets. You could be next.

Top 20 Twitter tips for businesses

1. Help others with problems by using the hashtag for your industry term.
2. Share tips related to your business and work-life balance.
3. Share photos of conferences, travel, products and other interesting finds.
4. Provide selected highlights from a conference or event.
5. Report industry, company, world and other news that’s related to your business, together with some commentary.
6. Link to articles and content posted elsewhere with a summary of why it’s valuable.
7. Post original thoughts on your topic, industry and business.
8. Join industry and topic Twitter lists related to your business.
9. Feed your tweets into other social networks like Facebook and Linked-in
10. Participate in Twitter chats related to your industry or business on a regular basis.
11. Research prospects before meeting them. You can gain a lot of valuable information just from scanning their tweets, profile and contacts.
12. Give referrals via Twitter. What goes around comes around.
13. Spread your tweets throughout the day, rather than posting the all at once, as people check Twitter at different times of the day.
14. Respond to tweets which relate to your industry.
15. Publish your Twitter ID on all marketing collateral, including business cards, email signature, email newsletters, web sites and brochures, so prospects can learn more about you.
16. Post discounts and offers on Twitter.
17. Use keywords on your profile and a fun fact to earn trust, add personality and enable you to be found.
18. Dump the default Twitter avatar use a photo of yourself or a suitable image.
19. Follow experts, companies, competitors and leaders in your industry.
20. Be authentic, genuine and real. In other words, be yourself.


5 twitter strategies and tactics

Everyone knows the indisputable value of LinkedIn for B2B sales, marketing, B2B prospecting, and entrepreneurs in general. 
This article shares some of the latest Twitter strategies, tactics, tools, and best practices.
1.  Decide your purpose. Why are you using Twitter?
Some Twitter users utilize the social media site to build their company brand or generate leads. There are bloggers who use the platform to share ideas and articles and to see what others are writing about. Some people check Twitter for news, while others want to see what celebrities or friends are up to.
Defining your purpose will help you decide who to follow and what kind of information to share.
2.  Focus on your passion. There are millions of Twitter users tweeting thousands of pieces of information every second. It is easy to get overwhelmed by and lost in the noise. Rather than trying to soak it all in and repurpose everything, focus on your passion.
Don’t be a jack of all Twitter subjects and a master of none. Tweets surrounding your passion are going to be stronger. Plus, you will attract users who have similar interests. If you don’t focus, you will attract meaningless followers, if any at all.
3.  Define your brand. Once you have zeroed in on your purpose and passion, decide how you want the Twitter world to view you.
Do you want to specialize in one subject to attract a targeted audience? Or do you want to be more general, tweeting about numerous topics? Do you want your tweets to be funny and casual or very professional? Is your goal to be a thought leader or celebrity? This will give you direction on who to follow and what to tweet.
4.  Determine your strategy. Is your strategy to communicate?
If your goal is to influence, promote or sell, your strategy should be communication based. You are going to want to attract attention. To attract attention, you are going to need to tweet, direct message, engage with other users and focus on getting information out in the Twitter world.
Is it to listen?
If you are using Twitter to keep up on news, learn, provide customer service or perform market analysis, your strategy should be to listen. You are going to want to decide who will provide the content you’re interested in and follow them. You will also want to learn how to utilize filtering tools, including hashtags and Twitter lists. 
5.  Learn how to use Twitter. Reading this article and articles like it is a good first step. However, to really learn how to utilize Twitter, you’re going to need to get your hands a little dirty and roll up your sleeves.

  1. Go to, and create a free account.
  1. Learn Twitter terminology. When you post something, it’s a tweet. When you repost something from another user, it’s a retweet or RT.  Trending topics, or TT, are topics discussed by many users at a given time. You can Favorite a tweet by clicking on the star. That is a great way to recognize someone for sharing your content.
  1. Explore. See who is on Twitter and what people are tweeting.
  1. Engage. Follow the guidelines in this article and become an active user.

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